Voice Cloak Plus is supplied with 5 Sound effects files:
Here you can specify five sound effects names in the Name edit box and can specify the file path for these effects in the File path edit box in front of each sound effect name.
This is customizable. You can create your own sound effect, specify your own names for each sound effect you have created and specify the path of the files for sound effects.
These files will be mixed with recording stream when you click on sound effect button.
For Ex. you have created a sound effect having sreaming voice recorded in it and saved it by name “Sream.wav”. Now in the sound effect tab page, suppose you want this effect to appear at the first sound effect button. So specify the name of the effect (“Sream” in this case) and specify the path of the oriional file in the File path edit box just in front of the First sound effect.
Now when you press the “Screm” button appearing on the Voice Cloak Plus user interface, this wave file will play and will be added to the sound output stream. If you have “Monitoring your voice” button pressed, the File playback would be heared through the speakers.